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This is going to be the left column. I recommend a "side list" of other links that could go here.
Also, maybe a nice format of the address of the company.
Phone: (816) 445 - 3980 / (800) 455 - 3980
Fax: (816) 454 - 5821
K.C. Envelope Company, Inc.
8638 N.E. Underground Drive
Kansas City, Mossouri 64161
Methods of Sealing Envelopes

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Remoistenable Gum: This gum can be applied to the flap of an envelope in either a full or split band. In split gumming, the band of gum is interrupted, usually in two places. (Split gumming may be specified for use on some inserting equipment.)
Drop Seal Gum is another way of using the remoistenable gum. This is usually done on a remit style of envelope that has a perf for a coupon to be torn off and resubmitted in the envelope or used as a receipt.
Latex Gum is a self seal style of gum that does not require moisture to seal, the latex is applied to both the flap and the body of the envelope. This type of product is shipped flaps extended.
Pressure Sensitive Gum is another style of a self seal gum.This product is shipped with the flaps closed.
String and Button closures are used on envelopes that are intended to be reused many times.
Clasp closures are used on envelopes that are intended to be reused a few times.